Tuesday 27 November 2012

Bullying: indignation is growing

Recent cases of cyberbullying have raised fierce indignation. Young people live and relive their humiliations on the Internet and decide to end their life. Kiwanis International magazine published April 2012 an article "Bullying: Why Can't We Stop It?" Kiwanis members run and support anti-bullying initiatives in schools. Prevention is necessary, because bullying is perhaps the biggest drain on manpower and talent, not only at school but also in life in general. Moreover, as work becomes more knowledge - oriented, the impact of bullying is more than ever economic in nature.

Why do we have bullying at all? Bullying is the easiest way to exert power. You terrify the weak, and automatically gain control over silent individuals, who become afraid of being bullied, and therefore start listening to the leader. It is more tempting when power boundaries are weakly defined. Hitler was a master-bully. He could never have reached absolute power without terrifying a weaker minority. Therefore, the silent witnesses are the key to the solution. Will they laugh and let this happen or will they speak up for the victims? It surely takes courage. And it requires belief that change is possible. One can start with refraining from all types of gossip. Even 'true' gossip should never be tolerated, because it is contrary to human dignity.

Today, the indignation is mainly oriented towards the bullying of children. (We should not forget adults, who know the more subtle types of bullying.) Kiwanis Leuven will be supporting the work that is being done within the Praxis-P work group of the University of Leuven. Aim is to study the effectiveness of prevention projects in local schools. Tomorrow the fund will be solemnly inaugurated.

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